27 dezembro, 2009
Upload feito originalmente por Zépedro
Quando uma tarde de domingo sorri uma cor para você - este é o resultado.
26 dezembro, 2009
08 dezembro, 2009
Riples, riples
come and go rippling, rippling
26 novembro, 2009
Eco and Narciso
The harm of existence
The man and his disturbance. Yes, he had character; yes, he was noteworthy but something affected him. He suffered instinctively. He himself felt sensitive of almost everything even for the moments of sullenness and severity. He had a good sense of humor, a great sense of humor, he would be able to beam radiantly if a puppy joked with him however, tears hastily would come to his face, not merry tears, not merry tears, not merry. Anyway, sank in crisis, he could be who he wanted: the poet and the child, the elegance and the failure.
He was drawn in miasma that touched everything around him. In his bulging, he could not bear himself who was boring and with a sigh and a weight in his semblance, bending the corners of the mouth, got things off his chest:
-Why so that human sensitivity if abjection is far more fascinating?
He poured out his sorrows as if to reduce its load but he only managed to realize how much he was ill, how much he was affected and the weight of his conscience seemed to fall upon him. When he sank the weight of his body on his knees, wearing him out, it was as a ' c ', a ' c ' of carelessness and if curving a bit more, it was as a ' s ', a ' s ' of solitude. And so on, his disagreement collapsing with his body.
Despite the countless friends and circles he attended, his bareness wore to the bleak, to the devastation. He was unusual. Although several times he tried to get rid of his disease, his mood would not have allowed it. He knew that there was no cure, because there would not be a cure for his existential crisis and minding it, his life progressed tortuously.
Why struggle to change your nature when our fate can be written in the stars? Life is complex, unsung and paradoxical. Life is a moment which comes to pass once and can last for one day, half an hour or a hundred years. Nevertheless, all this time is magnificently equal - to live; to exist is the real simple sense of permanence. Ah! poor the man, poor the man who, like this, wishes to be whoever he aspired to and still try to find a reason to live.
17 novembro, 2009
Sem título
Dominou-se pelos lampejos
Incessantes das plêiades
Que alardavam em suas chamas
E brilhavam toda sua magnificência
Sob seu fulgor
Um poeta malogrado
Refletia no seu choro o céu chamuscado
Da plêiade mais distante
Dependeu-se uma estrela
Riscando os campos negros
Atingindo o pranto do homem
Agora, tudo era rastro
Tudo era poeira
A ferida do ser
na boca,
o gosto de sangue
no sangue,
o fervor da vida
na vida,
a amargura do ser
de ser,
uma grande ferida
(poema antigo achado nas achaduras)
20 setembro, 2009
18 março, 2009
O café, atabalhoado de gente, parecia não se incomodar com a imagem da mulher revirando sua bolsa, arrancando lá de dentro um maço de cigarros amassado e molhado. Trêmula - de frio ou por conseqüência da decisão tomada há poucos instantes –, com a carranca pálida, manchada de maquiagem, mal sustentava o cigarro. A boca, miúda e fina – um traço, borrada da cor que deveria ser dona, tragava e lançava lufadas mortiças. Pediu e serviu-se de café com uísque. A luz, débil, que pendia sobre sua cabeça, estampava no cenho, mais acentuada, as expressões dolentes.
A noite rompeu imperiosa em sombras e néons. A calçada, molhada e suja, refletindo os faróis, era ferida com o pisar do salto trôpego, escarlate, envernizado. Os pedestres se esbarravam inevitavelmente. A mulher passava alheia a isso, heterogênea à massa. Sua dor não vestia seu corpo e ela cambaleava rua adiante. Seu trote, pasmódico, mole, não escondia - pelo contrário, alarmava a curva desenhada em seu dorso, arquejado, inflexível. Que mulher doente! Pensaria qualquer um se a notassem.
Uma mão se estende e prontamente pára o ônibus. Sobe. Parte saculejante o transporte carregando os conflitos e alegrias dos corpos de seus usuários. Para ela, o ônibus parece se arrastar. A criança, debruçada no banco da frente, exibe um sorriso que não pode ser para mais ninguém senão ela. O ônibus desce vertiginosamente a ladeira. Ela sente um gelo na barriga e chora.